5 Simple Things You Must Know About The World

IsraelAir1.   You must know that this state we call Israel (and those people who call themselves Jews) established in the late 40s is not that which is mentioned in the Bible. Those people are from Europe. They are not ‘chosen’. The natives were kicked out (and are being held in captivity, a police state) by those so-called Jews.

US_dollar_pyramid 2.  The federal reserve system (‘our’ economy) is nothing more than an illusionary pyramid scheme and hidden organized slavery. You will never make it to the top. That is why the cornerstone (the part on the dollar with the eye in it) is separated from the rest of the pyramid. You keep those at the top afloat.

gov_tree3 3.  The U.S. government (Congress, judicial system, executive including military) is nothing more than an institution to promote the ideas (lies you believe through brainwashing since birth) and push the agenda of those at the top of the deformed pyramid.

Cows_Fence 4.  Nobody owns land, trees, water, airwaves, bandwidth. That idea is fed to you only so you will accept perpetual life of servitude to your owners. When you apply for a birth certificate and social security card for your children, you are actually giving them away to the government (institution of owners).

breast-feeding 5.  Breastfeeding does not make kids smarter. Formula feeding makes kids dumber. Formula is not natural, and thus, it is not the standard. So if its “proven” that our main source of nutrients as infants are systematically dumbing us down and passed off as natural, it is only logical that most manufactured products have adverse affects on our bodies and minds. No conspiracy theory; the truth.


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