Dear USA: Stop Pussyfooting Around And Admit You’re Planning War On Iran

It’s quite clear, based on recent rhetoric by both the US and Israel, that war on Iran seems to be inevitable.

The latest round of sh!t-talking by the US and Israel identifies Iran as the “biggest threat to the United States and to our interests.” Meanwhile Israel’s Prime Minister,  Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to convince his country that a preemptive attack on Iran is in the best interest of the country.

“Iran has got nukes!”

The US and allies imply that Iran has nuclear weapons, despite their own admission they they don’t know. They suggest that Iran is the aggressor, yet Israel is firing test missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads in their direction.

“Hawks in the US are likely to seize on next week’s report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is expected to provide fresh evidence of a possible nuclear weapons programme in Iran.”

Look Al-Qaeda is in Iran!

They tell you it’s Al-Qaeda to trigger the “we’re fighting the terrorist at any cost” mindset, all the while knowing it’s just propaganda to make you feel better about their next move — a move which will come at the expense of thousands upon thousands of Iranian lives.

They told you the troops were coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan, but they didn’t tell you they wouldn’t be home for long — that is if they even come back to the States, considering reports that indicate that troops pulling out of Iraq will either come back to the US or go to “other countries.”

Pro Human Rights Hypocrisy

They say they are pro human rights, yet according to Barack Obama himself, they are working to keep ”unprecedented pressure” via NATO-based economic sanctions on Iran. What will be the impact on the lives of the people in Iran? In short, they will suffer and many will die. We’ve seen the results already based on the 10 plus years of economic sanctions against Iraq.

And were it not so tragically hypocritical, a recent statement by a senior US military official would be laughable:
“Al Qaeda is not out, but it’s down,” the official said. He added that al Qaeda had also been largely marginalized by Arab Spring uprisings that have shown change is possible without resorting to the group’s “medieval practices.”
Mideveal? US military practices are nothing short of barbaric, yet they continue to feel they’re in the position of moral authority to warrant making such statements.

The bottom line is this…

The USA, Israel, and now the UK, have made it very clear that they are going to war with Iran if the country doesn’t bow to their will. Since we know that Iran plans to stand and fight, we might as well prepare for what is about to happen next.

Yes, America is great!




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