George & Shellie Zimmerman’s Bank Records Released: Shuffling Tens Of Thousands While Claiming Indigence To The Court

Yesterday, we posted George and Shellie Zimmerman’s jailhouse calls, in which they conspired to shuffle well over $100K of donated funds to a website Zimmerman set up before his arrest for the murder of Trayvon Martin.

If you listened to those recordings for yourself, then you know that the Zimmermans used a rudimentary code in an attempt to conceal the money they moved daily between multiple accounts from PayPal donations through Zimmerman’s website. The fact that they were moving money only scratches the surface of what’s contained in those jailhouse calls, but don’t take our word for it. Listen for yourself!

In accordance with our goal of providing all of the files (audio, video, documents, etc.) associated with the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman case, we’ve posted George and Shellie Zimemrman’s banks statements so that you can see them for yourself. You can view them below or at

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Because we feel that it is important to go straight to the source for information, we have done exactly that. We house many files associated with the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Case at a site we created strictly for that purpose, TheyAlwaysGetAway.Com. The site includes court documents, motions, pictures, audio, and video. Take a look for yourself, and stay in the know and abreast!

View George and Shellie Zimmerman’s Bank Statements (6/18/2012)

About the Author

Heit & Cheri

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