Sudan: The Break-Up [Video]
March 18, 2012 12:15 pm | Heit & Cheri
Sudan was the giant of Africa which once represented the greatest hope for peaceful coexistence between Arab and African, Muslim and Christian. That hope is all but gone.
As Sudan is split into two, the government of Omar al-Bashir in the North faces growing public resentment over the loss of national pride. To boost his popularity, al-Bashir is likely to appeal to the religiously conservative majority. He has already promised to implement full Sharia law if the South secedes.
Khartoum University stands at the very core of this religious revival and this film will talk to the students (the next generation of political leaders) and their mentors in the academic staff.
The film will also show other perspectives within society – including urbane young professionals, women’s rights groups and democracy advocates.
Foremost in the long list of challenges faced by the government of South Sudan (GOSS) is the task of creating an inclusive and representative administration among different tribes with a history of bitter enmity.
In addition, many see the prospect of South Sudan being rife with corruption soon after gaining independence.
Looking back at recent history we will illustrate how the North has exploited and exacerbated existing ethnic tensions in order to divide and weaken southern opposition.
Watch Sudan: The Break-Up Online Now!
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