Trayvon Case New Evidence: Zimmerman Had NO Gunshot Residue; Gun Had Multiple DNA Contributers!!! [VIDEO]


Trayvon Case New Evidence: Zimmerman Had NO Gunshot Residue; Gun Had Multiple DNA Contributers!!! [VIDEO]

183 pages of investigation/case reports, audio of witness interviews, crime scene photos, and video of Trayvon at the 7-11 store. And, NOBODY–OF COURSE, not the mainstream media, BUT neither the bloggers nor the usually-chomping-at-the-bit conspiracy theorists have brought this information to light. This is only the tip of the iceberg, as we have been telling you all along, concerning the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case.


Obvious Issues With The Official Story

Two of the many obvious issues with the official story, which the forensic testing that was performed on evidence collected after the shooting exposed are as follows:

1) George Zimmerman had no gunshot residue on his jacket or long-sleeved shirt after he supposedly fired the Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm gun that killed Trayvon Martin. The only thing that they did find was one tiny particle of lead on the upper back right sleeve of his jacket. How is it that he fired a gun, while wearing long sleeves, and there is NO gunshot residue?

2) George Zimmerman’s Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm gun was found to have DNA from at least two other people, and Trayvon Martin was ruled out. To whom does this DNA belong? If the state of Florida was truly trying to solve this case, they would have taken time to rule out those people to whom the DNA may have belonged (for instance, Zimmerman’s wife, or friend he let hold his new gun). Instead, the state of Florida was content to make the evidence fit their story.

In addition to these major issues derived from examining the forensic evidence, we also learned that:

  • Trayvon Martin’s cell phone was not tested for latent prints. Why not?
  • The holster of Zimmerman’s gun had DNA from at least three people. One is Zimmerman, but it is uncertain whether one of the two remaining was Martin. Who are the other one or two unidentified people, and were they present for the murder
  • A stain on Trayvon Martin’s shirt contains DNA from George Zimmerman.
  • Two separate spots of blood on Zimmerman’s jacket contained DNA from at least two individuals. Why weren’t all of the possible DNA contributors identified? Why aren’t questions being asked about this?

One of the witnesses, who called 911 on the night of the incident (listen to Caller #3), mentioned that she saw a man with a white t-shirt on top of another man. In her official police interview (listen to Witness #3), she mentions this same man with the white t-shirt, and says that she’s confused–confused because neither Zimmerman nor Trayvon had on a white t-shirt on the night of the incident!

Who is the man in the white t-shirt who was on top of the other person? Who are the other people who were present, besides George Zimmerman, when the murder occurred?

Heit & Cheri cover all of the evidence and questions in detail in the following video. Call us at 202-446-1886, and let us know what you think. If you have ideas on what you believe is going on in the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, be sure to let us know!