WikiLeaks, Cablegate, and how the media has failed us… Again! Journalism is dead.

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WikiLeaks, Cablegate, and how the media has failed us… Again! Journalism is dead.

Nearly a week after whistle-blower website, WikiLeaks, realeased a quarter of a million diplomatic cables, things have taken a terrible turn. The initial media reaction was normal, exposing the gossip among nations. The spin of journalists and news sources was that the leaks were cause for the United States to feel embarrassment. That is completely untrue. The first couple of days worked in favor of the United States. Most gossip was about which leaders of other nations felt the need to attack Iran or prevent them from enriching uranium. This is exactly the rhetoric the U.S. needs in order to justify the looming attacks on Iran by the U.S. or Israel. The media made this look as though the ‘Arab world’ is against Iran, and it isn’t merely the driving force of American imperial motives. But, that is exactly what it is. The nations that expressed animosity toward Iran were all Sunni-lead nations. [I suggest you do your own research to get a better understanding of the Sunni-Shia rift if you have no prior knowledge.] It is no surprise those nations stand firm against Iran, taking the side of the U.S. So, the first few days served only as a public relations win for the State Department, but was passed off as a blow to the United States’ diplomatic relations.

In the days following the initial document dump, things began to take a detour to the Land of Oz… or the Twighlight Zone. Bipartisanship began to grow from the American soil. Republicans and Democrats joined hands and began to sing the song of ‘National Security’. There have been calls to have WikiLeaks’ founder, Julian Assange, arrested, prosecuted, and executed. There were calls to have a website given the designation of Foreign Terrorists Organization (FTO). Sweden issued an arrest warrant causing Interpol to place him on their most-wanted list, and an international manhunt began. Amazon dropped the website from its servers. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a response calling the release ‘an attack on the international community.’ And, that speech was the first strike in the battle against WikiLeaks to save the U.S. from being seen for what it is. And, it surely was a mighty strike…
Months prior the release of the documents, media organizations around the world were given the documents and began to examine the information and prepare stories to release in conjunction with the debut on the whistle-blower website. The afternoon WikiLeaks attempted to release the documents, they were hit with denial of service attacks, so their website was down for hours. The media stories still were released. So, the information provided to the public was that from the major media outlets, and the media pushed on with its pre-scripted stories without WikiLeaks. [I find it funny the timing of leaks by WikiLeaks. Anyone with a good publicists or idea of the media knows that big announcements happen on Tuesday through Thursday. Only negative news is released on Friday or the weekend–when no one is paying attention. The Iraq War Logs was released on a Friday, and the Afghanistan War Logs was released on a Sunday.]
The diplomatic cables were leaked to the public and articles began to trickle out online on Sunday afternoon. In America, Sunday is football day (WTF)! As a result, the media told their story of Iran–and all of its enemies–for most of the day on Monday, but Clinton’s response was delivered that same day when she stated, “Once the countries evaluated the evidence concerning Iran’s actions and intentions, they reached the same conclusions that the US reached, that we must do whatever we can to muster the international community to take action to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state.” In the evening of Monday and Tuesday, the major news story was the U.S. response to the leaked documents. And, THAT is the important part.
From then on out, the circus was around the happenings of WikiLeaks or Julian Assange. Radio and TV talk-heads featured ‘experts’ to discuss whether or not Assange could be charged under the Espionage Act or whether it would be proper to assassinate him. Journalists delivered stories to inform the public that WikiLeaks had been dropped by Amazon but was still up and running. They talked about Assange’s alleged involvement in rape in Sweden. The stories surrounding Julian Assange and WikiLeaks were always bigger than the stories highlighting information contained in the documents. Before the leak, the media organizations that received the cables said they would cover the leaks for at least a week. That is no time. As with every other incident in the news, stories are covered for a day or two and fizzle away into oblivion. Each day there is a new topic of discussion from the leaked cables; the next day or the day after, its no longer discussed. Of all that was released that Sunday, how much of it is still being discussed today? What have we learned?
The United States wants their secrets to remain a secret, because the U.S. is a lying tyrant. They demonize people who make that fact aware to the world. It is involved in many acts that violate human rights. It is opposed to democracy. The U.S. government is nothing more than an institution to promote the ideas (lies you believe through thorough brainwashing since birth) and push the agenda of those at the top of the deformed pyramid. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton successfully diverted attention from their push to collect sensitive personal information (fingerprints, iris scans, DNA, etc.) from world officials and leaders. They diverted attention from the many of innocent people being killed by the U.S. They diverted attention from the fact that they forced foreign governments to not prosecute U.S. agents who kidnapped and tortured innocent people. They achieved this by claiming that exposing those atrocities was the act that put people at risk–when, in fact, it is the very practices that are being exposed that is not a risk, but an act of torture, murder, and pillage. And, the media helped–the same way they helped to sell the war in Iraq.
This fiasco is nothing but a show of arrogance. Which brings me to George W. Bush. [I cannot write all of this without including our very own modern-day devil.] In Georgie’s ridiculous book that I will not read, he admits that he authorized torture, among other things. It is illegal! International law was shown to be broken by the U.S. in WikiLeaks’ most current information dump as well. All of this is being thrown into our faces. It’s right in front of us, and we can do nothing about it. Hillary Clinton is laughing–when not on camera. George W. Bush is laughing with that stupid smirk. This is the Ego of the United States. The world can now see what they are doing to the rest world. The curtain is up, and it shows that the rest of the world must push the agenda of the United States or they will become another Iran. So, was this an unexpected leak, or was this a show of American supremacy? I must end with a quote expressing American sentiment from one of my favorite Chris Rock movies: “God Bless America–And No Place Else!”
Wake Up & Smell The B.S.

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