Crucified Santa Sparks Controversy [Video]


The skeleton was in a heap on the court house lawn along with a letter addressed to Christians, and signed “Jesus.” Many believe the display belongs to an atheist.
To avoid the ongoing clash between Christians and atheists, County Supervisor Stevens Miller pushed a bill to ban all displays entirely for the rest of the season.
“Our children are going to be going shopping with their parents, [they] have a right to walk down the street and not be accosted by threatening, violent, nightmarish imagery like a skeleton of Santa on a crucifix,” Miller said.


I find it bizarre that christians can display what seems to be a human in the flesh on a torturing device–one that is pretty much the same as the fictional character Santa in the above video–everywhere from atop their buildings to around their necks and not find that to be threatening, violent, and nightmarish.  It would only seem right to admit that most imagery of a crucifixion is violent.

Being Christmas is supposed to be a Christian holiday, the reaction over the Santa Claus skeleton display only proves that many Christians care more about preserving something other than the message that came after the hijacking of December 25.  If the display had been of a bloody and bruised white Jesus character, we would have never heard any particular display on this courtyard lawn.  One win for the atheists.  Christians #Fail.

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