High School B-Ball Team Chants “One, Two, Three Nigger!”

Integration into America’s white society often places minorities in extremely uncomfortable situations. After buying into the idea that the best course of action to achieve success–college, employment/entrepreneurship–is to blend into American society and culture, people of color find themselves living in a world among outright racists, racists in denial, and genuinely insensitive people. This is the price that is paid to be able to “join in any reindeer games.”

In a town that is 97% white, it is clear to me why a group of young girls would find fun and entertainment in chanting racial slurs before sporting events. Being encapsulated in a town cited as one of the top ten “Great Places in America,” students must have exhibited some air of superiority.

Excluding Kenmore East High’s only African-American basketball player from their team chant is clear evidence that these teens of privilege were aware of the racist nature of their chants. It is also clear that they had no intentions of fully accepting an African-American teammate into their group.

This is the same position a lot of other minority peoples in the United States find themselves while attempting to gain access and inclusion into particular groups/organizations and American society as a whole–excluded and offended.

An entire varsity girls basketball team in the Buffalo area has been suspended after its use of a racial slur as part of a pregame chant led to an in-school fight involving the team’s only African-American member.



As reported by the Buffalo News and NBC affiliate WGRZ, among other sources, at least 12 members of the Kenmore (N.Y.) East High girls basketball team were suspended for their use of a pregame chant in the locker room that included the most offensive racial epithet associated with African-Americans. According to the News, the team would chant “One, two, three [N-word]“ just before leaving the locker room.

“I said, ‘You’re not allowed to say that word because I don’t like that word,’” Batts told the News in a home video she submitted to the newspaper. “They said, ‘You know we’re not racist, Tyra. It’s just a word, not a label.’ I was outnumbered.”

Read more at rivals.yahoo.com


American Planning Association
Buffalo News

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