Zizek! [Video]


“Zizek!” is a feature documentary exploring the eccentric personality and esoteric work of the “wild man of theory”: the eminent Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek.

“Žizek!” trails the thinker as he crisscrosses the globe, racing from New York City lecture halls, through the streets of Buenos Aires, and even stopping at home in Ljubljana, Slovenia. All the while Zizek obsessively reveals the invisible workings of ideology through his unique blend of Lacanian psychoanalysis, Marxism, and critique of pop culture. Never ceasing to observe the paradoxes that underpin our perception of reality, little goes untheorized over the course of the film, particularly Zizek’s recurring themes — ideology, belief, revolution, and love. But Zizek is also unafraid to turn his critical gaze on himself, astutely analyzing his private life for the camera and contemplating on his conflicted relationship to his growing celebrity.

Erudite and outrageous, mixing innovative animations with uncensored interviews, “Zizek!” is both an unforgettable lesson in philosophy and a compelling portrait of an intellectual maverick.

Watch Zizek! Online Now!


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Heit & Cheri

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