Cuts in social programs for the poor to fund tax cuts for the rich… Whose side are you on?

There are people whom do not need Social Security, Medicaid, and any other social program who think that it is best to cut those programs to make life better for everyone. They believe the poorest of the nation should make great sacrifices for the good of the rich and the so-called middle class. They want to balance the budget on the backs of those who already do not have enough to even live. The perplexing part is that even people who rely on some of those same programs support the people who promote those ideas, and they also accept and promote those very ideas. Now, those people whom were hired by President Barack Obama, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, are pushing to cut those social programs to pay for extending the huge Bush-era tax cuts for the richest few, a group many of them are members. Obama’s administration has already came out saying they are for extending those tax cuts across the board. Cuts in social programs are next. Whose side are you on?

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