George Zimmerman Granted Second Bond In Amount Of $1 Million

Despite not testifying on his own behalf at his second bond hearing, and despite being a proven liar–the court admits that “there is probable cause to believe that” Zimmerman committed a third-degree felony of perjury–George Zimmerman was granted a second bond in the amount of $1 million by Judge Kenneth Lester Jr.

While the bond amount was not the amount Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, had requested ($150K), Zimmerman still has the opportunity to live life somewhere in a “safe house” as he awaits his trial date. The trial won’t occur until about a year from now.

We’re sure that you’re wondering how Judge Lester justified his release of Zimmerman on ANY bond–even the $1 million bond we already know he can afford. In his rationale, Lester cited previous cases, but the gist of it is that Zimmerman’s “crime” of lying to the court would have been a violation punishable by keeping him detained had it occurred WHILE he was out on bond. But, because the lies told on his behalf and his own failure to correct these lies occurred during his 4/20/2012 bond hearing BEFORE he was granted bond, the court cannot hold him in pre-trial detention. The rationale here is that doing so would violate the defendant’s constitutional rights.

Judge Lester’s order contained some interesting highlights, as he detailed his position on Zimmerman’s arguments for bond:

“Additional family members had personal knowledge and were directly involved in the transfer of funds, which ultimately resulted in the funds being converted to cash or ‘parked’ in a nominee’s account. Family members were either ignorant of the false testimony that was nationally televised or became knowledgeable of the false testimony and did not report the fraud to the Court.” […]

“…neither the Defendant nor any family member provided sworn testimony or a sworn explanation to negate the Court’s impression that the movement of funds and the false testimony was to aid and assist the Defendant in fleeing the jurisdiction of the Court.” […]

“The Defendant requested special treatment to carve out an exception as to when a Defendant is allowed to exercise the right of allocution. The Defendant, through counsel, requested the right to make a statement but not be subject to cross examination.” […]

“…this Court finds that circumstances indicate that the Defendant was preparing to flee to avoid prosecution, but such plans were thwarted” […]

“Counsel has attempted to portray the Defendant as being a confused young man who was fearful and experienced a moment of weakness and who may also have acted out of a sense of ‘betrayal’ by the system. Based upon all of the evidence presented, this Court finds the opposite. The Defendant has tried to manipulate the system when he has been presented the opportunity to do so. He is an adult by every legal definition; Trayvon Martin is the only male whose youth is relevant to this case.” […]

“It appears to this Court that the Defendant is manipulating the system to his own benefit.”

So, in short, Judge Lester made a bunch of negative, but truthful, comments about Zimmerman’s dishonesty and that he was trying to game the system, yet positioned his decision with the implication that he was essentially “forced” to grant a second bond for George Zimmerman, despite all of the evidence that he has that Zimmerman is full of BS. Furthermore, Lester justifies the decision by significantly increasing the bond amount.

Of course we know that Zimmerman’s supporters will be in full effect, helping him to raise the $100K he needs to go free for the next year. It seems questionable whether the funds already raised by Zimmerman will be used for his bond, now that they are managed by a third-party trust. Since those funds are for his legal defense, we doubt if O’Mara would agree to have his payment pissed away on Zimmerman’s bond, but we’ll see what happens. Either way, one thing is certain… Zimmerman will be free in a matter of days, one way or another.

Check out Judge Lester’s order below, and be sure to check out all of the evidence in the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman case for yourself at!

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As always, we urge you to listen to these recordings for yourself instead of relying on the media to filter this information to you with their spin. In accordance with our goal of providing all of the files (audio, video, documents, etc.) associated with the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman case, we’ve posted George Zimmerman’s statements to the police so that you can hear them for yourself.

Because we feel that it is important to go straight to the source for information, we have done exactly that. We house many files associated with the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Case at a site we created strictly for that purpose, TheyAlwaysGetAway.Com. The site includes court documents, motions, pictures, audio, and video. Take a look for yourself, and stay in the know and abreast!

View order to reinstate George Zimmerman’s bond in Trayvon Martin case (PDF 7/5/2012)

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Heit & Cheri

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